'Uncle' Si Robertson Releases 'Smokin Hot' EP, Talks 'Duck Dynasty'
After the amazing success of the 2013 holiday collection "Duck The Halls: A Robertson Family Christmas," it should come as no surprise that one of TV's most popular families have ventured into the studio once again. This time, the musical spotlight shines brightly upon "Uncle" Si Robertson and the release of his new six-song EP, "Me And My Smoking Hot Honey." Robertson told Billboard that music had always been an important part of his life.
"Garth Brooks and Brooks & Dunn were two of the country ones I have listened to forever, but I listened to everything – James Brown, the Platters, all the greats. I look back, and I think the 60s had the best music of any era," the 66-year old told Billboard. "But, when you get to looking and they start playing them, you realize it's all good from the 70s all the way through to the 90s. It's different for each generation, but it's all good music."
The EP contains a duet with Kix Brooks on "Can't Take The Swamp Outta The Man." Robertson said the song was recorded as a surprise for his wife, Christine, when the two renewed their wedding vows after 43 years together. Brooks & Dunn happens to be her favorite musical act. The album also features a collaboration with rising duo The Mauldin Brothers.
For his part in the CD, Robertson said he had the time of his life, and hinted that there may be more music to come. "I do love to sing. All my life, people have told me ‘You've got to find your talent, and use it to the best of your ability. For 66 years, I've been searching for my talent, but have never figured out what I had. The fans have told me what my talent is – I'm good at making people laugh. I'm fun to be around. If I can't have fun at it, leave me out, because I'm not going to be there. You're looking at a 66-year-old body with about a 10-year-old inside of it. I refuse to grow up."
When asked about the continuing appeal of "Duck Dynasty" and the public fascination with his family, Uncle Si says he believes that it represents that dreams do come true. "The Robertson story is the proverbial rags to riches story. We started out dirt poor. Phil hunted, and did a DVD. Then, we had a hunting show on the Outdoor Channel. That went to number one, then Hollywood got ahold of it and wanted to see if they could make a pilot with us. That made a hit, so in a lot ways, we are the American dream story -- a family that worked hard and finally hit the big time."
In addition, Robertson says that he feels the show takes viewers back to a simpler time. "My personal opinion is that we take them back to the roots of the country when people cared about each other and they took care of each other. A couple that get married today doesn't have the level of commitment they should have. When I was growing up, marriage was a lifetime thing. It was for life. If you both live to be 100, that's how long you'll be married. Nowadays, after six months one will tell to the other 'I'm out of this. This wasn't what I thought it was going to be.' I think we took them back in time. Daddy raised his own garden, and all his food. He raised cows, pigs, we had a smokehouse. That's how this country was founded, and as Robertsons, that's how we started out."
And, when you witness the close relationship between the family members each week on A&E, Robertson stresses that it's no act. "I spent 24 and a half years in the military," he reflected. "The worst part of it would be when one of my soldiers' parents would [pass away]. One went home when his father died, he took a 30-day leave, and a couple of days later, he came back to the unit. I asked him what he was doing, and told him to go grieve. He looked at me and said 'No. I'm not going to stay at home and watch my brothers and sisters fight over what little money dad had. We actually like each other, and love being with each other." Read more at Billboard.com!