Demi Lovato Declares Self-Love After a Breakup in "Still Have Me"
Demi Lovato released her newest single,"Still Have Me," and it's a powerful post-breakup ballad. It's full of melancholy, yet also filled with determination and triumph as she declares the love she has for herself despite the end of a relationship.
Her lyrics explore heartbreak and mourning for an ex love, but remain hopeful in finding love within self. She opens the song describing herself being "a mess," "broken," and without light after a sudden breakup. She's not without hope, though - the chorus sings, "I don't have much, but at least I still have me." The pain in her voice is present, but she belts her lyrics of self assurance with confidence over the track featuring slow piano and simple, yet ambient effects. It builds towards the end with percussion and synths, and the entirety of Lovato's range is showcased.
The ballad is empowering and full of authenticity, true to Lovato's style. The single was released close to her collaboration with Marshmello, "OK Not to Be OK" and collaborations with Sam Smith on "I Love Me" and "I'm Ready." All of the singles have common themes of perseverance and self-acceptance, just what everyone could use a little more of in our current times. For an inspirational confidence-boost, stream and download "Still Have Me" everywhere now.
