Shenandoah Leads The Way With Safe Recording Methods

PICTURE: Gary Woodward, St. Thomas West Critical Care Team Leader, Johnstone Entertainment/Foundry Records’, Cole Johnstone, Shenandoah’s Marty Raybon, Producer Buddy Cannon, Shenandoah’s Mike McGuire and Engineer Tony Castle
Photo by Craig Hill
Shenandoah returned to the studio today to continue recording their upcoming album for Foundry Records, which is being produced by Buddy Cannon. They are practicing safety measures and invited St. Thomas West Critical Care Team Leader, Gary Woodward, to take temperatures, screen all session participants prior to entry, advise safe distancing practices, supervise cleaning procedures as well as brief everyone in attendance before the session began. As Nashville and the greater music community discerns a proper pathway forward as a result of the COVID-19 restrictions, safe but reasonable measures are being put in place to ensure the safety and familiar camaraderie necessary to continue to produce and release new and exciting music to their audiences.