Fresh With a New Name, Run Colt Run (FKA Cities) Talks About Their Take on Rock N' Roll, The LA

Q.) You recently changed the name of your band from Cities to Run Colt Run? What sparked the change?
A.) - I think for me it was the end of an era. We had changed members so much over the years. Now it's such a great group of dudes that love playing in this band. It was time to give the project a fresh start. It's kinda like baking a fresh cake vs adding sprinkles to an old stale one; both are edible but one is going to be a much better experience. - Bobby (Vocals/Guitar)
- I love the name "Cities" because we are all from different parts of the world. - Jose (Drums)
- As much as the old name meant to us, we are living in times where the online presence of a brand plays a vital role in its success and accessibility. "Cities" was really not search engine or social media friendly when it came to branding our work. - Vitor (Guitar)
Q.) What are the socials for the new band and what's the next step musically?
A.) Insta: @rcrmusic Twitter: @runcoltrun YouTube: /runcoltrun Facebook: /
- Everyone in the band has their own musical identity. RCR is a melting pot of all genres of music. I think playing what we want without pressure from anybody else is a step musically a few artist have. - Jose (Drums) - We're excited to be working on a new album! We're still in the recording stages. It can get a bit hectic with everyone's schedules but we're all dedicated to our craft. - Erik (Keyboard)
Q.) In your bio you talk about how you guys are a war of contradictions like expensive whiskey and cheap beer. What’s your favorite expensive whiskey and your favorite cheap beer?
A.) - Expensive is relative. I think the most i've spent is $50 on a bottle of whiskey. Templeton Rye is my favorite though I've had a 29 year old bottle of scotched aged in oak barrels that was pretty dang fantastic. When it comes to beer, Heineken is my go to cheapo. - Bobby (Vocals/Guitar) - My favorite expensive whiskey is currently Laphroaig Scotch. My favorite cheap beer goes to PBR. - Erik (Keyboard) - Easy. Jameson and PBR. - Jose (Drums) - I don't drink alcohol anymore, but I have a mild Iced Coffee addiction. - Vitor (Guitar) - Expensive Whiskey is tedious. I'll stick to Bushmills. You can never go wrong with an ice cold Rolling Rock. - Aaron (Bass)
Q.) You call Rock N’ Roll the disease that tears you apart and the faith that sets you free. Describe your experiences with both.
A.) - I grew up in the church. In fact at one point I was going to college majoring in Theology and Youth Ministry. Then I took a philosophy class, read more theology books, spent some time with people outside of the church, and came to the realization that it just wasn't something that was relevant to me anymore. I still write about faith, but more out of apathy than personal belief. Rock N' Roll has always harbored a place for the faithful, in between, or apathetic mindsets. Writing was my cathartic response to dealing with a life-long belief that I'd be struck by lightening if I said I didn't believe in the almighty Jesus Christ. - Bobby (Vocals/Guitar) - I suppose any passion is a disease. Something we dedicate our life to tends to have consequences, but we do our best to find balance. Music has always been an outlet, both physically and emotionally. Rock music especially gripped me in my youth. - Erik (Keyboard) - You have your bands thats played what they felt and lived. You connect and relate with them on a level beyond your own. You feel like they are speaking to just you. Then you have "Pop" acts who are just in it to sell you merchandise, a life style. Its a double edged sword and its up to us (fans of music) to decide what lives on. - Jose (Drums)
Q.) Talking chunky Les Paul guitars and LA origins makes me think of Guns N' Roses. How do you think the LA scene has evolved from that and are there still relics and ideas of that time that remain in the scene today?
A.) - Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world and a big portion of the decisions regarding the tendencies in the music industry are made here. That hasn't really changed. However, unlike the days of Guns N' Roses like you mentioned, Rock and Roll music is not nearly as present in the mainstream media anymore. This has a big impact on the "scene", because it influences the direction artists are going with their work. We care more about the music we love to play than we care about the scene or what you need to do in order to become a marketable product. So we just keep Rocking. - Vitor (Guitar)
- Definitely some things that remain from that scene. You can still see dudes dressed any night of the week at the Cat Club. Musically though, I'd say there's a specific feel and sound to those guitar riffs that bands are still using today. It's literally just a more aggressive way of playing 50's blues. Also, the posturing. Ive seen a few bands recently that look like they practice in front of a mirror. - Aaron (Bass)
- I think there's plenty of relics concerning that era (take a walk down Sunset Blvd) but that's kinda all that's left. There's little pockets of an active scene but I don't see it thriving in LA especially since the House of Blues was torn down for a f*#*ing hotel. I guess being consistently poor, wearing flannels and thrift store clothes, and shoes that are falling apart is something that still remains. I hope we can get Jose to wear tight leather pants and boots one day though. LA's most successful music acts are the solo acoustic people. Because it's so expensive to live here, it's hard to start a band. -Bobby (Vocals/Guitar)
- Good ideas will always live on in music, that's one of the things that makes it so fascinating. Somebody has one idea, then somebody else "borrows" it and the idea changes and becomes something else, and so on. We can use recording techniques to take us to different places and times. I'd say the biggest thing to evolve any major music scene is the incorporation of computers, both in the studio and on the stage. The industry is in a compelling state of flux because of it. - Erik (Keyboard)
Q.) On your record "...And Sunsets" you have a track called "Goonies Never Say Die". What's your classic 80's movie Mt. Rushmore (What's Your Top 4)?
A.) - Top 4 80's movies (not including The Goonies): The Terminator, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, and Batman. - Erik (Keyboard)
- Blue Velvet, Back To The Future, Full Metal Jacket, and of course Top Gun - Aaron (Bass)
- Rocky IV, Top Gun, Star Wars Return of the Jedi, and 1984. - Jose (Drums)
- THE GOONIES. Hands down the best movie of all time. The Sandlot, Star Wars (the trilogy) and Ghostbusters. - Bobby (Vocals/Guitar)
Q.) You have a track called "Chicken Little" off of your 2012 record "Dear Bonnie, Love Clyde". If the sky was falling, how would you spend your last day?
A.) - Star Wars movie marathon ending with the Last Jedi. - Jose (Drums)
- If the sky was falling I would spend my last day with family, nature, music, expensive whiskey and cheap beer. - Erik (Keyboard)
- Watch. Take pictures on my film camera. Maybe if civilization survived afterward, they could at least have some pictures of what the sky looked like. - Bobby (Vocals/Guitar)
- Sex, Italian Food, and night swimming. - Aaron (Bass)