Have you heard about Matt Westin?? Well you will soon!!!

We at Crank It Country like to try and promote up and coming artists as much as we like talking about artists that are household names. Well, get ready for this up and comer to be up and coming into your house as the next household name! Matt Westin, born and bred in a middle class suburb of Pittsburg, had an interest in music throughout his life, growing up on artists ranging from Johnny Cash to Frank Sinatra. He only recently decided that it was time for him to pursue it with his whole heart as a career. Unfortunately, it was the death of his father in 2016, that led him to realize he wanted to pursue a dream that would make his father proud. But rather than fall into depression and self-destruction upon this tragedy, Matt used it as an inspiration to CRANK out some of his best work that he would take to the studio with heavy hitting producer, Bryan Cole.
Matt and Bryan met through a mutual friend, and it would soon become a partnership perfect for CRANKIN out some powerful country tunes, busting out the brim with soul. Bryan brought on some Nashville powerhouse musicians for the project including Mike Brignardello (bass, played with Big & Rich, Blake Shelton) and Steve Hinson (pedal steel guitar, played with Dolly Parton, Luke Bryan). Matt's songs are all honest reflections of his life, and have a thick layer of authenticity that is far too often missing from country music nowadays. He sings with a deep, resonating voice that will shake you like a freaking EARTHQUAKE.
He doesn't have any music available at the moment, but fret not baby birds, he's been cooking up his debut studio album that he will be releasing (hopefully) early next year! Trust me, it will be well worth the wait! For now though, follow him on social media (Facebook: @MattWestinMusic and Twitter: @Matt_Westin) so you can keep up with him, be informed on future shows and music releases, and be able one day say, "I knew him way back when". Keep on CRANKIN it Matt!!!