"Save Me" Brought Lindsey Out Of The Dark and Into The Music Industry
At her rawest form, Lindsey allows one of her darkest moments to bring her music to life in a songwriting epiphany that saved her life titled, “Save Me.” When writing “Save Me,” Lindsey came to terms with the disheartening fact that her all-consuming depression had gotten out of hand and it was time to ask for help. Putting it all on the line, “Save Me” came naturally to Lindsey. It was as if every emotion she was so desperately searching for came to her all at once and the lyrics fell naturally onto the paper.
“Save Me” embodies the classic alternative rock genre of music. With hard rock guitars, velvety vocals and a gothic aesthetic that sets the mood, “Save Me” represents the feeling of being stuck in a darkness and begging to get back into the desired light, and for Lindsey that light was her regaining her once lost spiritual connection with God. The dynamic between the purity of her lyrics and the darkness of her feelings creates a unique track that will pull on any listeners heartstrings.

“I write about dark things, but I always show people the light on the other side,” explains the vulnerable artist. “Ultimately, I want to give people hope that they can overcome something they didn’t think they could.”
From growing up writing poetry, Lindsey has developed a poetic songwriting style which has allowed her to paint a clear picture of the story she desires to portray to her audience. Lindsey is desperately fighting the haunting depression in the song and when writing it, the song simply saved her. Through symbolic and metaphoric songwriting, Lindsey desired for everyone to feel as though they can find the light in their own life. Whether you are questioning your faith or worth, this song is for anyone who feels lost in the darkness.
For more on the novelistic songwriter, visit www.thisislindseyofficial.com and stay on the lookout for more music from the rising punk artist.